Several new clubs started up recently, including bowling, naturalist, and archery clubs.
The bowling club started in January and meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at Surfside Bowling Center, Club Founder Junior Andrew Giordano said. English Teacher Mr. Eric Haas is the advisor.
“At first I was concerned that no one would join the club,” he said, “but we have a good amount of people that are excited and passionate about bowling, and it’s been fun so far.”
Students can explore their love for nature with the new naturalist club and learn more about the environment. The club started meeting at the end of last semester with Ms. Kanaska as its advisor. One activity the club did was to build a bug box, which provides a safe place for ladybirds, solitary bees, lacewings, and other beneficial insects in people’s gardens.

Junior Stratford Abbott started the club to “let people learn about the environment around them better…and connect with people who share the same interests as me.”
The Archery club began this semester and fills a void for people who want to compete in archery. JROTC already has an archery club, but it’s only for their members. The new team will compete against JROTC and other schools.
It welcomes both experienced and novice archers. Member sophomore Ava Midkif has done archery for a while.
“It makes me work harder and try to always do my best,” she said. “It also makes me strive and get to my goals.”