Ocean Club has been very active within the school and with the environment this year. The club hosts surfing days, beach cleanups, bonfires, and environmental activities.
Junior Jenae Marshall has been an active member of Ocean Club and participates in as many activities as possible. The club’s activities vary between seasons. In the warm months of the school year, students surf and hold bonfires.
“During the cold times, we focus on community services around the environment and school,” Jenae said.
The club has made its environmental tasks into something for the members to enjoy. The cleanups are not just about doing something good for the environment, but they’re also about the family being formed.
“I like Ocean Club because of the beach days after school, it’s really fun and it’s almost like a friend group,” Jenae said.
Currently, the club is focusing on recycling.
“We still do beach cleanups during the cold months, but we also do other stuff that the weather doesn’t stop,” Club member junior Sophie Walter said.
“We help with the recycling of paper and bottles/cans in the school.“

Club members empty recycling bins weekly. Freshman Natalie Brooks said she likes helping with recycling for a number of reasons.
“I get to skip class, be a part of the club, and know that I am doing something good,” she said.
The club also joins bigger school fundraisers.
“We have been a part of the Polar Plunge, the chili cook off, and egg roll fundraiser, and soon an oyster roast,” Natalie said.