Pixar’s Soul Takes a Deeper Dive Into Life

Pixars Soul Takes a Deeper Dive Into Life

Soul is the newest add-on to the 22 feature Disney Pixar films. Though it might seem like another form of child entertainment, there is more than meets the eye with this movie.

Soul is about a middle school band teacher Joe Gardener (Jamie Foxx), who is unsatisfied with his life until he finally comes across the opportunity he had been waiting for. Unfortunately, he dies before getting to experience it.  He begs not to enter “The Great Beyond” and ends up teaming up with a soul, 22 (Tina Fey), who is his only hope at returning to earth but who wants the opposite. She is determined not to go to earth because it seems boring and meaningless compared to “The Great Before.” Throughout the film, Joe and 22 both see life differently. As Joe shows 22 why life on earth is meaningful, he also changes his own views. Many struggles and conflicts occur between Joe and 22, but in the end they both find a meaning in life.

This was quite a risky movie, putting such a serious and hard-to-understand topic in the G rated section. The movie was a success, though, being visually pleasing to children, as well as them understanding it. The movie’s Co Director (Director of Inside Out) said in an interview with NPR that at screenings, parents will often say the movie is too complicated for kids “and then the kid sitting right next to them will sit and explain the entire movie better than I could. They get everything. They’re very smart.” Everyone will be able to relate to some part of Soul. Many people feel lost at some point in their lives. Often, they are trying so hard to find a purpose that they don’t realize they already have one. 

Overall this movie was definitely one to watch. Maybe watch it a few times. There might be something you didn’t see the first time and could change the entire aspect of the film. Soul definitely makes you think, it shows you a perspective on life that most people don’t even think about. It’ll make you appreciate your life just a bit more.