Newest Guidance Counselor also in Private Practice

Socastee’s new part-time guidance counselor, Mrs. Angela Dosemagen, comes to the school from the private sector.

She still counsels adults, teens and children on issues such as anxiety and depression in private practice part time, but she is happy to also be back in a school setting, now working more on things such as organizing the PSATs and getting students into the proper classes.

“I’ve always been thinking about getting back involved with the schools,” she said.

Mrs. Dosemagen started her career when she did a practicum as a guidance counselor at a school many years ago. She has worked other jobs since — including as a teacher at a psychiatric hospital. 

She’s appreciative of the community aspect of working within a school that she doesn’t necessarily get from working at a private practice, and is excited to learn about students and help them with what they need.

Her job varies from organizing student schedules to helping them choose a career path. Although most things in the guidance department are being done over the computer this year because of COVID and there is a lot less face-to-face interaction, she is trying her best to connect with students.

“I want to help with student success,” she said “There’s so many different things in the world with careers, jobs, and society. I’m just really looking forward to learning from being involved with everyone.”

Her interests include traveling and animals. She recently rescued a four-week-old malnourished kitten that showed up on her porch, which she has helped into better health. She loves going to the zoo or Brookgreene Gardens to observe the wildlife, and “sitting down to read a scary book.”