Ms. Keillor to Leave the Classroom to Start Natural Health Business
Sports Medicine teacher Mrs. Christine Keillor is retiring after the end of this school year to start an online yoga studio and holistic health business.
Mrs. Keillor has taught sports medicine at Socastee high school since 2016. Before then, she taught at Andrews High School and Waccamaw High School.
Her new business is called Subala. The name means “beauty and strength” in Sanskrit, an ancient yogic language.
“Most of my students and clients know my appreciation for the human body and its structural abilities, so Subala resonated with me,” she said.
The online program will reteach people to thrive using ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, tapping into the Earth’s cycles, seasons, and their own unique human body clock, she said.
“There are 10-12 healthy habits of daily living that I’d like to exploit to reverse that ‘busy’ and overworked mentality to promote family, health and balance.”
Ms. Keillor’s online program goes by “The Subala Sequence.”
“Essentially, I coach clients into a daily rhythm of thriving for health and longevity,” she said.
She also will be teaching online yoga classes as part of the business.
In addition to starting a new business, Ms. Keillor will be planning her upcoming November wedding.
“Planning a wedding is incredibly stressful – and expensive! But it’s all in the name of love, and I love love!” she said.
Ms. Keillor said she will miss high school students’ “jovial curiosity” that pushes her to learn more about a subject she has a passion for.
“The curious questions I get are motivating and implore me to ask more questions,” she said
She also will miss teaching life lessons to students to help them grow to be better individuals.
“It’s got nothing to do with grades and everything to do with character,” she said.
She will bring teaching skills she honed at Socastee to online teaching and her new business. Skills learned during COVID will be especially helpful, she said.
“Teaching hybrid during COVID really helped my online presence and presentation,” she said. “These two aspects of online presentations and curriculum helped me outline and present four 12-week sequences for The Subala Sequence,”
She said the reason she wants to leave for online teaching is because online education is much more stress-free and time efficient for her. She also likes that in adult ed, people sign up for classes that they enjoy being in.
“This helps establish a growth-based community and they see exponential growth in their health goals because they’re actually learning and investing in what they want in a group with other like-minded people,” she said.
In her remaining time at Socastee, she hopes she’s leaving students with encouraging attributes.
“It’s my hope that I teach them inherent curiosity and not to take an 89 percent personally,” she said. “Students are so much more than their grades!”

Lexy is a sophomore who took journalism and is now in the Media Club because of her love for writing. She is happy to write for The Native Voice because...