Mock Trial Places at States
The Mock Trial Team stands ready to compete in attorney attire.
Socastee’s mock trial team came in 5th in the state this year.
The team competed March 11 and 12 for its title, where Herman Watson and Sasha Bronovitskiy were named the Most Effective Attorney’s for Rounds 2 and 3.
Twelve teams qualified for the state competition this year, with Bob Jones Academy in Greenville winning the state championship. The extracurricular has been one of the most consistent clubs this year, meeting two times a week from 3:30 to 5:30 to prepare for competition. The competition rounds, like many things this year, took place virtually.
Mock trial consists of multiple students taking part in a fictitious trial that simulates lower court trials and hearings. The students are assigned roles and have to perform duties, just like in a regular courtroom.. This year’s case was about a wrongful death suit against a park that resulted after a young boy fatally broke his neck playing dodgeball on the park’s trampolines.
Sophomore Rhea Procko has been in mock trial since middle school and plans to remain on the team until her senior year. Procko played the role of a prosecution attorney and made the opening statement at states this year. She joined to get out of her shell and learn more about law.
”I have made so many incredible friends through mock trial,” she said.
She says that she also has learned to be confident and to go for what she wants.
Junior Leea Port plays a defense witness on the team. This is her first year on Mock Trial. She was a virtual student first semester, but enjoyed coming to school for the practices.
”My experience with the team has been the highlight of my year.”

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